The carcass shall be dressed without the head and kidneys and be practically free of internal fat. Carcasses with a “stuck” shoulder are not acceptable. In addition, no other objectionable scores shall appear on the outside of the carcass.

Unless otherwise pecified, the carcass shall be skin-on. It shall be split into reasonably uniform sides by cutting lengthwise through the backbone so that the major muscles of the loin and shoulder are not scored and so that the spinal cord groove is evident on at least 75 percent of both sides of the back bone. Mutilated feet shall be removed either at the hock or upper knee joint.

The membranous portion of the diaphragm shall be excluded close to the lean, although the lean portion and the membrane surrounding it may remain, if firmly attached to the carcass. The jowl may remain intact with each carcass side. Minor trimming of the jowl is acceptable for removal of bloody portions and ragged edges.

Excessively trimmed or mutilated jowls, however, shall be excluded by a reasonably straight cut perpendicular to the length of the carcass that is not more than 1.0 inch (2.5 cm) anterior to the ear dip.