Shin / Shank

2361  Shin Shin is located in the forearm, based on the humerus, ulna and radius, and carpus. Main muscles are the M. biceps brachii, M. coracobrachialis and carpal flexors and extensors. 2362  Shank Shank is located in the leg region, based on the distal end of the Femur, Tibia, calcaneal tuber and Tarsus. Main muscles are the flexor and extensor muscles…


Brisket is located in the sternal region based on the sternum and corresponding costal cartilages. The main muscles are the M.M. pectorali superficialis and profundis. Points requiring specification: · Fat trim. · Connective tissue removed.

Shoulder Clod

Located in the arm (brachial) region, based on the humerus, scapula, ulna and radius. Main muscles planes: M. triceps brachii, M. tensor antebrachii, M. anconaeus and M. cutaneus trunci. Points requiring specification: · Fat trim. · M. cutaneus removed.


Located in the cervical region based on the cervical hemi-vertebrae except the Atlas. It is composed by all the muscles from the neck. Points requiring specification: · Fat trim. · Trim standard.

Chuck Roll

Chuck Roll is located in the dorsal region. Based on the four first dorsal hemi-vertebrae and their corresponding rib ends. Main muscles planes: M. trapezius thoracis, M. rhomboides, M. splenius, M. longissimus dorsi, M. illiocostalis, M. multifidus dorsi. Points requiring specification: · Rib number and location. · Ventral limit. · Ligamentum-nuchae retained. · Fat trim.

Chuck Cover

Chuck Cover is a cut located in the scapular region. Based on the inner side of the scapula and it´s complementary cartilage. Main muscle: M. subscapularis. Points requiring specification: · Fat trim. · Muscle trim.