Square Cut Shoulder

Square Cut Shoulder is prepared from a Forequarter by removing the Neck between the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae. The Breast and Foreshank are removed by a parallel cut to the backbone commencing at the junction of the 1st rib and 1st sternal segment continuing to the caudal cutting line at the specified rib. Point requiring specification: · Number of ribs.

Shoulder Oyster Cut

Shoulder Oyster Cut is prepared from a Forequarter and consists of the scapular, humerus and foreshank bones together with their associated muscles. A cut is made following the natural seams between the overlying and underlying muscles and the rib plate, eaving the undercut (M. subscapularis) attached.

Rack, Frenched

Rack (Frenched) is prepared from a Rack. The feather bones and chine are removed. The ribs are cut parallel to the chine edge at a pre-established distance from the eye muscle. The cap muscle could be retained in situ. Points requiring specification: · Number of ribs. · Rib length. · Distance of the intercostal´s removal. · Cap muscle retained.


Rack is prepared from a Side by a straight cut through the back bone between the specified ribs separating the Forequarter (4th to 7th ribs); the caudal cutting line is through the back bone at the specified ribs (10th to 13th) or caudal to the edge of the 13th rib. Points requiring specification: · Number of ribs. · Cut distance from…

Rack Saddle

Rack Saddle is prepared from a Carcase by a straight cut through the back bone between the 5th and 6th ribs and by another cut inmediatly behind the last ribs leaving an 8 rib Rack Saddle. The Ribs are cut at a specified distance parallel to the back bone. Point requiring specification: · Cut distance from the eye muscle.

Short Loin Pair (Short Loin Saddle)

A Short Loin Pair is prepared from a Carcase by a straight cut along both sides of the 6 lumbar vertebrae from the lumbo-sacral to the dorso-lumbar joints. The Flank is removed at a pre-established distance from the ventral edge of the eye muscle. Point requiring specification: ·Cut distance from the eye muscle.

Short Loin

Short Loin is prepared from a Loin by cutting through the M. longissimus dorsi (eye muscle) between the two last dorsal vertebrae and the specified ribs, at a preestablished distance from the rib eye. Points requiring specification: · Dorsal region removed. · Cut distance from the eye muscle